Musical analysis could be defined as the hermeneutics of scores . Reading a sheet music is something much more complex than understanding the notation and rhythm. Much of the information we need to understand the content of the music from the score is not written and must be deduced.
So that we can understand it, a score is like a theater libretto . When the actor picks up the script, he has a text that uses commas and periods to mark certain pauses, and exclamation marks to denote a certain emphasis. And if you are lucky you have some dimension that helps you better understand what the writer's vision of the character and the scene was. With these indications the actor has to manage to bring the character to life. And bringing a character to life is more than just reciting a text. There is no talk about non-verbal communication (body movement, nervous tics, fingers, hands, head position), or anything related to subtle glances or hesitation when reciting the text. All this is provided by the actor or the stage director, and they are actions that are deduced from the text and from the understanding of the work as a whole. It could be said that most of the actions that the actors rehearse are not written, they must be analyzed and discovered under their interpretation.
In music it is exactly the same. The notes and rhythm is an essential part for us to rebuild the piece of music. But only with this part we will not be able to give life to the music that the score gives us. The musical phrases, the articulation, the parts of greatest tension, the contrasts, the repetitions, the pauses ... Each part can have one meaning or another, and we are the ones who must give it to them by analyzing the text. When we talk about analyzing we talk about listening , of understanding what it sounds to extract its meaning. Analyzing in this way very amazing and beautiful things can be achieved. Especially when you begin to understand the text so deeply that it seems to speak to you and tell you its secrets .
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