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Cubierta Final Preludios Contados.png


For voice and piano

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Through music , image and verse , in this collection of poems you can take a trip. You will know, thanks to this elegant adaptation, a lot about popular wisdom that, although it seems ancient, is useful for every man at any time, since it alludes to human nature itself.

It is that food for the soul that never expires with time because the human being is still the same. From the hand of some fabulists like Aesop, the creators of this book offer us a guided journey inside ourselves.

Envy, love, the limits of the human being and his fight against his own nature, sometimes hostile, are some themes, among others, in which, in many cases like a fable, we are offered a moral teaching that, when less, it invites us to reflect.


The book includes the
recording of music and voice which we can access through QR links. We will also have the scores for those who dare to play them on the piano. As a culmination, it includes an app (Preludios Contados - Cuentos Tradicionales) where we will find the entire CD in an interactive way for mobile phones that can be downloaded completely free on Google Play.


English edition

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Spanish edition

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Sounds of Phrases (Volume I) is a book that invites us to live an experience through music and illustration. With a selection of phrases, verses and quotes from various writers of all times, it aims to convey the idea contained in each phrase from different artistic perspectives. The authors Adrián Cardeñoso (composition and interpretation) and Mabel Castillo (illustration and design) try to transmit their idea of language applied to other arts beyond literature, making us feel that what we hear and see refers not to a simple allusion of the phrase, but to the Idea that the phrase wants to reach, communicated through music and drawing. It is an experience that requires reflection and calm, and even though it is a book that contains all the piano scores, not only pianists will enjoy it, since from the book you can access the audio files of each piece.

A nice gift for oneself and also for others.


The book includes the
recording of music and voice which we can access through QR links.

0. Cubierta Sounds of Phrases.png
0. Portadas.jpg


Edición española

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Edición inglesa

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EL Sonido de las Frases II es la continuación de El Sonido de las Frases I. Con el mismo formato completa el abanico de Ideas que se recoge en el primer volumen. La frase sigue siendo la semilla que concreta la información, la música nos la dice a través de sugerencias que se convierten en metáforas sonoras de la frase, la ilustración nos la hace visible materializándola de alguna manera y la aplicación nos intenta hacer partícipes a través de la interacción. Toda una sinergia de artes que potenciándose entre sí intentan transmitir lo máximo posible la Idea de la primera semilla. Un libro para detenerse en cada parte artística y disfrutarlo en silencio conectando cómo las distintas artes hablan sobre la misma Idea.


El libro incluye la
grabación de la música a la cual podremos acceder a través de enlaces QR. Además contiene una aplicación para móvil donde despliega su potencial interactivo, El Sonido de las Frases App.

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